Dating Service. How does it work | Millionaires and VIPs
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The VIP Dating & Matchmaking Service for Successful Professionals.

Love, Health, Wealth and Happiness, Unique lifestyle company

Step 1: Free Initial Consultation

We encourage you to contact us for a complimentary, one-hour consultation that allows us to get to know each other. During that initial consultation, we will find out about your goals and preferences. It allows us to make sure we can meet your expectations and share some ideas of how we can help take your personal life to the next level. At that stage, we would also share profiles from our exclusive singles database of eligible bachelorettes.

Love, Health, Wealth and Happiness, Unique lifestyle company

Step 2: Dating & Relationship Coaching

Once we decide to work together, we come up with a 12-month plan to help you. Firstly, to find your perfect soulmate and also. And secondly, to improve your overall level of attractiveness to your ideal partner. Even billionaires and rock-stars sometimes need a little nudge to improve their game, level of confidence and conversational skills to hit the ground running.

As part of our Matchmaking service, our experts cover the critical dating skills, such as:

  • Conversation skills. What are the best conversational topics for a date? Or what stories should you tell that best encapsulate your accomplishments without bragging? After all, a Brazilian supermodel doesn’t want to be bored to death on a romantic 2-hour date. 
  • The VIP lifestyle. How do you best build and cultivate the kind of true VIP lifestyle that attracts beautiful women into your life? As they say, we don’t have the life we want, we have the life we are. That means, our daily routines, our hobbies and the people we surround ourselves oftentimes determine the life we have – and the people we attract into it. If you want to attract other VIPs and the very best partner you can possibly get, our coaches evaluate your life to see how we can make it even more exciting.
  • Escalation. How do you avoid the friend zone and elegantly escalate to get her to start a romantic relationship with the woman of your dreams? Our coaches are here to help.
  • Relationship and romance. Once you’re in a relationship, how do you keep it fresh, fun and exciting? As part of our dating service, we are your partners-in-crime for the year, so we are here to support the critical relationship building phase.
Love, Health, Wealth and Happiness, Unique lifestyle company

Step 3: Fitness & Health Coaching

We get it: You’re busy at being successful. 80-hour work weeks, travel, unhealthy work lunches and booze-filled dinners are to blame for your not being in the best shape of your life. Although Jabba The Hutt is a cool look for Halloween. It might be time to get back into the shape, so you can attract the very best you deserve.

To get you into the best physical shape of your life, we offer our clients a very focused fitness and health transformation journey.

Love, Health, Wealth and Happiness, Unique lifestyle company

Step 4: Personal Style Coaching

Let’s be brutally honest: we all judge a book by its cover. While you don’t have to look like Brad Pitt or Pierce Brosnan to be successful with women, it can’t hurt to dress to impress. Our personal style consultants help fix your overall personal style, covering:

  • Your overall appearance and style
  • Your wardrobe
  • Your hairstyle
  • Your skin and dental maintenance habits
  • And much more


That is to say, before you embark on your first date, our team will make sure your appearance elegantly conveys the level of success you have achieved in other parts of your life.

Love, Health, Wealth and Happiness, Unique lifestyle company

Step 5: Dating & Matchmaking

Our team will scour our database, and also go out to recruit new perfect dates that match your preferences. We then set-up our members on dates every week or every couple of weeks – as per your preference. After every date, we carefully debrief with you and your date. So you can get the honest and constructive feedback you need to make your next date even more successful. Also we will use that feedback to help you become a better man.


Please note that to maintain the high level of quality and ethical standards, we set-up no more than one date at a time. Once you decide to progress further down the line with one woman that you like (i.e. go on date #2, #3, etc.), we would not set-up new dates until you decide not to proceed with that woman anymore. The reason we take this approach is that we believe in monogamy and respect. The women that participate in our service are serious about relationships and do not want to meet yet another playboy.

Love, Health, Wealth and Happiness, Unique lifestyle company

So even the most successful people in the world sometimes need help when it comes to their love lives. That’s where dating service can help:


  • Quality and quantity. What if you could easily meet an amazing woman every single week? Whether you prefer to meet a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, or a former (or current) model, we cater to all tastes. You choose from our database and we set-up it up. Quality and quantity of choices.
  • Time and speed. Under normal circumstances, you might only meet a truly amazing woman once every few weeks or months. With us, we can make it possible each and every single week, if you so choose.
  • Coaching. Of course, we’re here to be your partner along this journey. We’ll help you every step of the way to make you a better man – not just for your future partner, but for yourself.
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How It Works

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